Garbage & Recycling Day Changes the Week of March 30, 2025

The City of Lastrup’s garbage pick up day will change from Monday to Wednesday.  The change will take place the week of March 30, 2025, with garbage being picked up on Wednesday, April 2nd.  Recycling pick up will still be every other week; however, it will now be on Thursday, starting April 10th.  Please have your trash and recycling bins out and accessible to the driver by 6AM on pick up day.

Please remember that cans should not be overloaded and the lid should close.  The bins need to be placed at the curb, with the lid opening facing the street so the new garbage trucks are able to lift and dump the cans.  If you have 2 cans, please place bins 3 feet apart.  Also, we are to get a 95 gallon can for recycling soon.  There will be a new calendar and fliers regarding this in your next garbage bill, which will be arriving shortly.