
February 18, 2025

The meeting was called to order by the mayor, Wyatt Tembreull, at 6:58pm.

In attendance were Wyatt Tembruell (New Mayor), Julie Laney (Clerk), Diane Schmidtz (Treasurer), and council members Ted Hoheisel, Shirley Pomrenke, and Ross Shoultz.  Guests were Gene Kowaczyk, Joel Fischer, and Chris and Jody Burgardt.

Chris & Jody Burgardt, owners of Pierz Sani, presented a proposal for a new contract starting July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2027.  They would like to provide recycling bins for the city so they may use their automated garbage truck to pick up recyclables.  They would like to change garbage pick up days to every Wednesday and recycling pickup to be every other Thursday, starting on April 1st if possible.  Council was asked to review and discuss rates, which was done later.  A counter-proposal will be submitted to them.

The January 21st meeting minutes were read.  Ted made a motion to accept; seconded by Wyatt.  Motion carried.

Treasurer’s report was read.  Julie made a motion to accept; seconded by Wyatt.  Motion carried.

Ted made a motion to pay the monthly bills; seconded by Wyatt.  Motion carried.

Shirley had completed the Board of Appeal and Equalization training.  She also updated the council on what she had learned so far if the city did annual property rental permits.  Renter Inspectors would have to be hired to complete inspections of rental properties.

Ted made a motion to accept the 2024 Revenue & Expense reports; seconded by Wyatt.  Motion carried.

Council discussed lawn mowing for 2025 and will run an ad in the paper asking for bids with a deadline of March 17th, 2025.  This will be posted on the website as well.

Council accepted a check from St. John Nepomuk for $800.00 for a donation to the Park and Recreation fund.

Julie had completed Form C-404, “Report of Building and Zoning Permits Issued for New Privately-Owned Housing Units” for the U.S Census Bureau.

A reminder was given that the 2025 Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting will be held on April 22, 2025 at 9am at Lastrup City Hall.

Julie talked about the information she received from the quarterly clerk’s meeting and mentioned some of the upcoming meetings that Sourcewell and The League of MN Cities have in the next few months, as well as FEMA Region 5 hosting webinars if any council member wants to attend.

There will be a meeting on March 19th from 6:30-9pm at the Morrison County Government Center to discuss requirements for the recycling & clean-up day grants and the annual noxious weed meeting for weed inspectors.  (Julie presented the amounts the city could receive for the grants.)  This meeting will Julie and Ross were given permission to attend.  The council discussed and agreed to hold a clean-up day this year.  Julie will contact Pierz Sani to get a date.

Wyatt made a motion to adjourn; seconded by Shirley.  Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 9:52pm.