The City of Lastrup is looking for bids for a lawn mowing service to mow the city park, City Hall lawn, and part of the ditch on the west side of the city. Weed trimming and spraying would also be needed when necessary. Please provide proof of insurance along with your bid. If you have any questions, contact Julie Laney at (320) 223-3424. Please send bids and proof of insurance to PO Box 55; Lastrup, MN 56344 no later than March 17th.
Official website for the city of Lastrup, MN
Please note, we are trying to update our website; however, we have run into some issues. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please check back. If you would like to rent the shelter for the day, please reach out to the Ball Park Director. If any team/league (baseball, softball, horseshoe, etc.) is interested in using the City Park for the 2025 season, please reach out to the Ball Park Director to get guidelines and to submit a team/league schedule to avoid double bookings.
Website Update
City Park Use